Measure your posts

Measuring up for your post protectors and safety mats is normally very straightforward. We offer a wide range of shapes as sizes, all custom made to your dimensions. The following guide will help you to provide us with the correct sizes, dependent upon your requirements:

Measuring Square Posts

If your post is square, the sizes we need are the post’s face size and the height you want the post pad to be. As all face sizes will be equal we just need to know the size of one.

For example 100mm square x 1.5m high

Post Protector Safety Pad_Living Space CanopiesSafety tip: Only square finish pads can be used on square posts, as round post protectors do not offer the same built-up protection on the corners.

Measuring Round Posts

round-postAll of the sizes of round post protectors on our site use the diameter of the post rather than the circumference. We need this size and the height you want the pad to be.

The circumference however, is much easier for you to measure. Do not use a steel tape to measure around the curve as this will distort the size. It is best to use a cloth tape if you have one.

If you don’t have a soft tape, simply use a piece of string (or even paper.) Wrap this around your post and mark the size, lay it on a flat surface and measure the size you have marked.

For example 100mm diameter x 1.5m high

Converting your circumference measurement - If you want to give us your post’s circumference rather than the diameter that’s absolutely fine - just let us know that it is the circumference and we will convert it to the diameter for you.

round-pads-newSafety tip: If your post is round, you Post Protector Safety Pad_Living Space Canopiescan choose either a round or square pad from a safety perspective as there are no corners which need extra protection.


Measuring round posts for Square Pads

measuring-round-padsSquare pads are more cost-effective than round but the round ones undoubtedly look better on round posts. The round posts are measured in exactly the same way for square post protectors.

Measuring Rectangular Posts

Measuring-Rectangular-PostsIf your post is rectangular, the sizes we need are the post’s width and depth along with the height you want the post pad to be.


For example 100mm x 200mm x 1.5m high



Design tip: Rectangular pads are also used for covering non-standard shapes, for example a canopy post with a rainwater down pipe attached to it. In this case you take the overall size in each direction in respect of width and depth.


To order or find out more information, please see the categories on our home page or contact us.